
类目 | 托斯卡纳花园


在意大利托斯卡纳, 每一寸土地都充满了油画般诗意, 《托斯卡纳花园》这个主题中运用了大量的花卉绿植自然生长的形态, 土陶花罐、木雕壁饰营造出充满生命力, 松弛感的托斯卡纳花园。在这片花园里, 每个细胞都得以放松安住下来, 享受这份悠然自得。



Tuscan Gardens

In Tuscany, Italy, every inch of land is filled with poetic oil paintings. The theme of "Tuscan Gardens" uses a large number of natural growth forms of flowers and plants, with earthenware flower pots and wooden wall decorations creating a lively atmosphere
A Tuscan garden of vitality and relaxation. In this garden, every cell is able to relax and enjoy this leisurely state.