《泰晤士报》(The Times)是英国老牌报纸, 以伦敦最有名的河流“泰晤士河”命名。它是英国综合性全国发行的日报, 读者群体主要是中上层阶级、高学历人士和 商界人士。伦敦, 每一步都是历史, 有着厚重历史与繁华现代并存的气质。
以“泰晤士”命名的中古老钱混搭空间, 表达一种温润的情绪, 代表了一种沉稳复古的美, 是经由时间沉淀之后的经久不衰。摆放一些古董摆件、家族传承的饰品或名 家画作, 展现主人的文化底蕴和收藏眼光, 增添空间的层次感和故事感。
The Times
a venerable British newspaper, takes its name from the Thames, London's most famous river. As a comprehensive national daily, its readership primarily consists of the upper-middle class, highly educated individuals, and business professionals. London, where every step is steeped in history, embodies a unique blend of rich heritage and modern vibrancy.
The "Thames"-inspired vintage and old-money mixed space conveys a
warm, refined emotion, representing a timeless and understated ele_x0002_gance that endures through the ages. The space is adorned with antique artifacts, heirloom jewelry, and masterful paintings, reflecting the own_x0002_er's cultural sophistication and discerning taste in collecting. These ele_x0002_ments add layers of depth and narrative to the space, creating an atmo_x0002_sphere that is both storied and sophisticated.
Gemrein,an original design brand with blue blood,uses blue as its brand color to convey Pioneer,artistic free spirit.Insist on exploring independent design language,independent brand spirit,independent core technology and independent life aesthetics.
独立设计品牌 #与平庸为敌