在希腊神话中,雅典娜Athena是古希腊神话中的智慧与女战神,她是雅典城的守护神,她的传奇故事成了希腊神话中的经典篇章,展现了女性的力量和勇气,打破传统的 性别角色,每个人都有成为英雄的潜力。
In Greek mythology, Athena was the Ancient Greek mythology god- dess of wisdom and war, the patron saint of the city of Athens. Her legend became a classic in Greek mythology, showing the strength and courage of women, breaking with traditional gender roles, every- one has the potential to be a hero.
Gemrein,an original design brand with blue blood,uses blue as its brand color to convey Pioneer,artistic free spirit.Insist on exploring independent design language,independent brand spirit,independent core technology and independent life aesthetics.
独立设计品牌 #与平庸为敌