“美丽从你决定做自己的那一刻开始。”---Coco Chanel (可可• 香奈儿)
法国巴黎的康朋街是香奈儿品牌起源的地方, 31号这里是香奈儿生命中最重要的地点, 也是香奈儿品牌总部。
《康鹏街31号》主题空间灵感来源于香奈儿的设计美学; 线条简洁的家具使用香奈儿标识性的白色粗花呢元素, 搭配山茶花的抱枕; 康鹏街31号香奈儿 公寓收藏的东方屏风、瓷器等也成为空间中重要的设计元素; 色彩上使用香奈儿Le boy包的水湖蓝做为点缀色, 打造出中西方结合的浪漫氛围。
31 Rue Cambon
"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." — Coco Chanel Rue Cambon in Paris, France, is the birthplace of the Chanel brand. Number , the most significant location in Chanel's life, remains the global headquarters of the brand.The 31 Rue Cambon themed space draws inspiration from Chanel's design aesthetics. The space features furniture with clean lines, adorned with Chanel's iconic white tweed fabric and accented with camellia-pat_x0002_terned cushions. Design elements from Chanel's apartment at 31 Rue Cambon, such as Oriental screens and porcelain, are also incorporated as key decorative pieces. The color palette is highlighted by the aqua blue of Chanel's Le Boy bag, creating a romantic atmosphere that blends Eastern and Western influences.
Gemrein,an original design brand with blue blood,uses blue as its brand color to convey Pioneer,artistic free spirit.Insist on exploring independent design language,independent brand spirit,independent core technology and independent life aesthetics.
独立设计品牌 #与平庸为敌