
类目 | 旅行家


“ 除了时间纬度, 地理纬度上的人和事物更让人沉迷”

《旅行家》空间场景中融合多元文化元素, 强调材质的原始质感营造自然质朴的感受; 接受不完美和岁月的痕迹, 展现物品的自然老化和磨损; 造型简洁, 营造出宁静舒缓的氛围。在空间中陈列来自旅途中收集的各个国家各式各样的物件, 打造出旅行家看似无章其实有序的生活场景。





In addition to time dimension, people and things in geographical dimension are more addictive. The spatial scenes of "Traveler" integrate

diverse cultural elements, emphasize the primitive texture of materials, and create a natural and simple feeling; Accepting imperfections and

the traces of time, showcasing the natural aging and wear of objects; The simple design creates a peaceful and soothing atmosphere. Display ava_x0002_riety of objects collected from various countries during the journey in space, creating an orderly living scene for travelers who may seemdisor_x0002_ganized.