西西里岛是地中海的明珠是意大利的宝藏。这里不仅有美丽的自然风光, 还有丰富的历史文化遗产。
“西西里假日”主题空间呈现阳光明媚的春日, 女画家和她的朋友们在美丽的西西里开启的艺术沙龙。
以自然主义作做为空间基调, 运用了天然的材质, 搭配自然花卉, 绿植, 树桩, 手工艺品等营造出松弛, 自由, 艺术融汇自然的西西里假日风情
Sicilian Holiday
Sicily is the jewel of the Mediterranean and a treasure of Italy. It boasts not only stunning natural landscapes but also a rich historical and cul_x0002_tural heritage.The "Sicilian Holiday" themed space captures the essence of a sunlit spring day, where a female painter and her friends embark on an artistic salon in the beautiful setting of Sicily.With naturalism as the core design concept, the space incorporates nat_x0002_ural materials,complemented by fresh flowers, greenery, tree stumps, and handcrafted elements. This creates a relaxed, free-spirited atmo_x0002_sphere where art seamlessly blends with nature, evoking the enchanting charm of a Sicilian holiday.
Gemrein,an original design brand with blue blood,uses blue as its brand color to convey Pioneer,artistic free spirit.Insist on exploring independent design language,independent brand spirit,independent core technology and independent life aesthetics.
独立设计品牌 #与平庸为敌