
类目 | 孟菲斯系列


1981年,以索特萨斯为首的设计师们在意大利米兰结成了"孟菲斯(Memphis)集团",他们提倡装饰强调手工艺方法制作的产品,并积极从波普艺术、东方艺术、非洲拉美的传统艺术中寻求灵感。"孟菲斯"的设计都尽力去表现各种富于个性化的文化内涵。在构图上往往打破横平竖直的线条,采用波形曲线、曲面和直线、平面的组合,来取得意 外效果。线条、图案的随机排列搭配;几何元素的大量运用。各式各样的几何图案是"孟菲斯设计"经典元素之一。




In 1981, designers led by Sottsass formed the "Memphis Group" in Milan, Italy. They advocated decorating products that emphasized hand- made methods and actively sought inspiration from pop art, oriental art, and traditional African and Latin American art. Memphis" designs    try to express a variety of cultural connotations that are rich in individu- ality. The composition often breaks the horizontal and vertical lines, and uses the combination of waveform curves, surfaces and straight lines and planes to achieve unexpected effects. The random arrange- ment of lines and patterns; the large number of geometric elements. Various geometric patterns are one of the classic elements of Memphis Design.