
类目 | 斯帕达系列


斯帕达宫(Palazzo Spada)是罗马市中心的一座宫殿,斯帕达美术馆位于斯帕达宫之中,其间陈列17世纪枢机主教斯帕达之珍藏,以及古罗马雕刻和法兰德斯画派作品。意 大利建筑大师波洛米尼(Francesco Borromini),设计了这条奇特的柱廊,他运用伪透视法对建筑进行视觉矫正,柱廊地势渐渐走高,廊柱也由长至短排列,使整个只有8米的走廊却看起来有近25米,是实际长度的3倍以上。而在尽头的战神雕像,也由于走廊的独特设计,看上去是一尊放在极远处的大型雕像,也只有60厘米高而已。




Palazzo Spada is a palace in the center of Rome, theSpada Museum of Art is located in theSpada Palace, which displays the collection of Cardinal Spada in the 17th century, as well as ancient Roman sculpture and works of the Flanders School. Italian architect Francesco Borromini Borromini, de-   signed this peculiar colonnade, he used pseudo-perspective method of visual correction of the building, colonnade gradual elevation of the ter- rain, the corridor columns are arranged from long to short, so that the entire corridor is only 8 meters, but it seems to be nearly 25 meters, is the actual length of more than three times. And at the end of the statue of the God of War, also due to the unique design of the corridor, it looks like a  large statue placed in the far distance, but also only 60 centimeters high.