“直线属于人类, 曲线属于上帝。”; “永远热衷于五彩斑斓”这些设计名言出自西班牙自然主义天才设计师安东尼奥·高迪;
高迪代表作之一巴特罗之家位于西班牙巴塞罗那格拉西亚大街43号, 以其奇幻的造型, 丰富的色彩, 带来了一场前所未有的色彩视觉盛宴;
以“ 巴特罗之家”为设计灵感的空间希望表达绚丽的色彩艺术空间, 运用华丽的曲线造型装饰, 营造出丰富的空间层次感, 同时充满时尚与个性的想象力和创意, 给人 一种前卫而又别致的感觉。
Batro House
Straight lines belong to humans, curves belong to God. "and" Always pas_x0002_sionate about colors "are design quotes from the Spanish naturalist genius designer Antonio Gaudi; One of Gaudi's representative works, the Batllo House, is located at Gracia Street in Barcelona, Spain. With its fantastic design and rich colors, it brings an unprecedented visual feast of colors; The space inspired by this design aims to express a vibrant color art space, using gorgeous curved shapes to decorate and create a rich sense of spatial hierarchy. At the same time, it is full of fashionable and personalized imagination and creativity, giving people a sense of avant-garde and uniqueness.
Gemrein,an original design brand with blue blood,uses blue as its brand color to convey Pioneer,artistic free spirit.Insist on exploring independent design language,independent brand spirit,independent core technology and independent life aesthetics.
独立设计品牌 #与平庸为敌