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2022年在成都,太古地产携手英国维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆(英国V&A博物馆)联手举办的大型展览“包里包外”,展示出包袋拥有的丰富的艺术瞬间。每一个包袋都有自己的旅程与故事。也许自己究竟要过哪种人生还没有被清晰地刻画出来,但某个瞬间你会被触动而向往起来。而正是这些瞬间让你成为独一无二的“自己”。 而你的包袋,曾经装过哪些独属于你的人生瞬间呢?Bags系列通过手提包的灵感设计而来,让我们一同来一场穿梭于包袋之中的时光旅行。




In Chengdu in 2022,Swire Properties and the Victoria & Albert Museum   (V&A Museum) are collaborating on a major exhibition, "Inside and Out- side the Bag", which showcases the richness of the bag's artistic moment. Every bag has its own journey and story. Maybe the kind of life you want  to live is not yet clearly defined, but you will be touched by a certain moment and aspire to it. And it's these moments that make you uniquely "you". What moments of your life have you carried in your bag? The Bags collection is inspired by handbags, so let's take a trip back in time through the bags.