
类目 | 建筑构想系列


设计艺术的融入使建筑作品呈现出独特的审美价值,同时也传递着丰富的文化内涵。建筑设计在满足功能需求的同时,也兼具艺术性和创新性。建筑作品是人们生活的一 部分,承载着人们的情感和记忆。因此,我们推出了一系列由建筑之美引发思考的设计作品。让我们共同感受美学的体验,思考建筑与生活的关系,与现代家居生活美学的关系。




The integration of design art makes architectural works present unique    aesthetic value, and also conveys rich cultural connotation. Architectural design is both artistic and innovative while meeting functional needs. Architectural works are part of people's lives, carrying their emotions and memories. Therefore, we have launched a series of design works inspired by the beauty of architecture. Let's experience the aesthetics together and think about the relationship between architecture and life, and the aesthetics of modern home life.